@ChowSungMing1 who has taught sociology at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for many years, wrote his thoughts on #WritingNF

29 Sep 2022, 04:59
💡 @ChowSungMing1 who has taught sociology at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for many years, wrote his thoughts on #WritingNFT on @MattersLab Although the article is in Chinese, English speakers can get a good understanding using translation software! 鄒崇銘老師在香港理工大學任教社會學多年,他在 Matters 寫下對 #NFT 的看法。 「NFT構建了新的社會連結和關係,讓作者與個別讀者、以至不同背景的持分者,能產生更直接和持久的縱向聯繫」,而這種社會網絡如何演化,全視乎群眾自發推進的方向。 @ChowSungMing1 @likecoin